To relieve the work conditions of the spars and the deck fittings, GABIER'N'RIGS makes protection and fittings in leather on rigging screws and booms.
To improve safety and comfort of the crew, GABIER'N'RIGS fashions in leather :
These are handmade with cross stitches or saddler stitches. GABIER’N'RIGS provides :
Leather stuffing has been known since ancient times, as well as its technique. GABIER'N RIGS opted for an association between traditional techniques to the current newest materials.
Those leathers, have the capacity to breathe, they pump water as blooting paper's effect. By drying quickly, they eliminate water efficiently. Pleasant to the touch, very resistant to abrasion, it stays presentable as it gets used with time. Nourishing it from time to time enables the leather to recover its youth spontaneously. All the leathers made by GABIER'N RIGS use are strong leathers, measuring from 1,8 mm to 2,2 mm and from 3 to 4 mm. These are leathers usually made for exterior. The evolution of tanning techniques and current trends led us to acquire leathers resistant to sea environement, UV rays and chafing.